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Hintergrund junge Frauen und Männer schwenken verschiedene Landesflaggen Hintergrund junge Frauen und Männer schwenken verschiedene Landesflaggen Hintergrund junge Frauen und Männer schwenken verschiedene Landesflaggen Hintergrund junge Frauen und Männer schwenken verschiedene Landesflaggen Hintergrund junge Frauen und Männer schwenken verschiedene Landesflaggen

Niveau C1

Englisch, C1 - Conversation
Di. 18.02.2025 09:00

If you can already speak English fluently, this course will give you the opportunity to improve your accuracy, broaden your vocabulary and where required revise important grammar points. There will be interesting discussions on a wide variety of topics including current news, culture and society often based on texts provided by the teacher as well as other activities. Participants are encouraged to contribute their own views and share texts they are interested in.

Kursnummer 41592010
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 213,00
Englisch, Advanced Conversation (C1)
Fr. 21.02.2025 08:30

This lexically rich course emphasises students' need to have the conversations in English that they would in their own language. It provides engaging and stimulating activities designed to boost your speaking skills, expand your vocabulary and range of expression. You'll have plenty of opportunity to share ideas and opinions with your fellow students and will receive meaningful feedback on all your work. We are a group of open-minded people in their early 50s with a wide range of interests who would love you to join us!

Kursnummer 41560010
Kursdetails ansehen
Gebühr: 162,00
Englisch, C1 - Conversation
Do. 13.03.2025 19:45

If you can already speak English fluently, this course will give you the opportunity to improve your accuracy, broaden your vocabulary and where required revise important grammar points. There will be interesting discussions on a wide variety of topics including current news, culture and society often based on texts provided by the teacher as well as other activities. Participants are encouraged to contribute their own views and share texts they are interested in.

Kursnummer 41594610