Ritterband, Hayley Dozentin
Englisch-Muttersprachlerin, BA Hons Social Science, Trent Polytechnic (England), TEFL-Zertifikat (Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
Möchten Sie Ihr Englisch auffrischen und üben? Dann können Sie in diesem Online-Kurs in einer lebendigen und netten Gruppe jeden Montagabend über interessante und nützliche Themen sprechen, zum Beispiel andere Länder, Hobbys, unser Leben und unsere Welt. Die Dozentin stellt Wortschatz, Grammatik und Lesetexte zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen, sich am Gespräch zu beteiligen. Es ist kein Kursbuch erforderlich.
Would you like to learn, socialise, and have fun from the comfort of your own home? Then my English conversation group could be just the right one to suit your lifestyle! I will give you the chance to meet and chat to other English learners about interesting and current issues. I will provide reading texts or homework which will prepare you for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the conversation. Here you can expand your vocabulary, practice your grammar, and improve your fluency and pronunciation - all in a natural and relaxed atmosphere!
Our Monday morning course offers learners who can already cope in English in everyday situations a relaxed atmosphere in which to encounter the challenges of B2 English. We believe that learning is easier when you´re having fun, so we like to enjoy ourselves and we laugh a lot. Everyone can practice their vocabulary and grammar by chatting and sharing their ideas about a wide range of issues from around the world. Reading material and homework is provided.
Möchten Sie Ihr Englisch auffrischen und üben? Dann können Sie in diesem Online-Kurs in einer lebendigen und netten Gruppe jeden Montagabend über interessante und nützliche Themen sprechen, zum Beispiel andere Länder, Hobbys, unser Leben und unsere Welt. Die Dozentin stellt Wortschatz, Grammatik und Lesetexte zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen, sich am Gespräch zu beteiligen. Es ist kein Kursbuch erforderlich.
Would you like to learn, socialise, and have fun from the comfort of your own home? Then my English conversation group could be just the right one to suit your lifestyle! I will give you the chance to meet and chat to other English learners about interesting and current issues. I will provide reading texts or homework which will prepare you for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the conversation. Here you can expand your vocabulary, practice your grammar, and improve your fluency and pronunciation - all in a natural and relaxed atmosphere!
At this level of English, you can read with ease and understand virtually everything heard in spoken language. However, to avoid getting rusty, you may want to keep up your English conversation and expand your vocabulary further. Our Tuesday morning group offers a natural atmosphere in which you can meet friends and share ideas. Our topics of conversation are widespread, ranging from our everyday lives to what´s going on around the world and universe! Come and join in the fun!
At B1 level of English, you already know quite a lot! However, if you still feel nervous and need more conversation practice to put your thoughts into words this is the right course for you. In this course we will talk about interesting and useful topics, improve our pronunciation, confidence and fluency. Homework will help you to prepare for the next class where you can join in the fun, speaking in a natural and friendly atmosphere. Material will be provided by the teacher.
Have you ever heard about "Lunch & Learn" events? In our ever-changing and challenging world, would you like to eat, relax, socialise and speak English - all from the comfort of your own home / office? - then this English conversation group could be just the right one for you! Come along to our friendly meetings, chat about interesting and current issues, practice and improve your language skills. I will provide short reading texts or homework which will help you to prepare for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the fun! Looking forward to seeing you on-screen soon!
Wenn Sie grundlegende Englischkenntnisse haben und nun bessere E-Mails schreiben möchten, ist dies der richtige Kurs für Sie. An fünf Abenden lernen Sie, wie man auf Englisch: - E-Mails strukturiert - Anfragen stellt - auf Anfragen antwortet und Informationen gibt - Termine vereinbart, verschiebt oder absagt - mit Problemen, Fehlern und Beschwerden umgeht. If you have basic English skills and would like to improve your email writing, then this course is the right one for you. In five meetings we will learn how to - structure our emails. - make enquiries. - reply to requests and give information. - make, postpone, and cancel appointments. - deal with problems, mistakes, and complaints.
Would you like to learn, socialise, and have fun from the comfort of your own home? Then my English conversation group could be just the right one to suit your lifestyle! I will give you the chance to meet and chat to other English learners about interesting and current issues. I will provide reading texts or homework which will prepare you for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the conversation. Here you can expand your vocabulary, practice your grammar, and improve your fluency and pronunciation - all in a natural and relaxed atmosphere!
Möchten Sie Ihr Englisch auffrischen und üben? Dann können Sie in diesem Online-Kurs in einer lebendigen und netten Gruppe jeden Montagabend über interessante und nützliche Themen sprechen, zum Beispiel andere Länder, Hobbys, unser Leben und unsere Welt. Die Dozentin stellt Wortschatz, Grammatik und Lesetexte zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen, sich am Gespräch zu beteiligen. Es ist kein Kursbuch erforderlich.
Would you like to learn, socialise, and have fun from the comfort of your own home? Then my English conversation group could be just the right one to suit your lifestyle! I will give you the chance to meet and chat to other English learners about interesting and current issues. I will provide reading texts or homework which will prepare you for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the conversation. Here you can expand your vocabulary, practice your grammar, and improve your fluency and pronunciation - all in a natural and relaxed atmosphere!
Have you ever heard about "Lunch & Learn" events? In our ever-changing and challenging world, would you like to eat, relax, socialise and speak English - all from the comfort of your own home / office? - then this English conversation group could be just the right one for you! Come along to our friendly meetings, chat about interesting and current issues, practice and improve your language skills. I will provide short reading texts or homework which will help you to prepare for our meetings and give you the confidence to join in the fun! Looking forward to seeing you on-screen soon!
This is a great way to improve your spoken English while having fun and making new friends. Join us for lively and fun meetings, talk about interesting and useful topics, share your ideas and improve your talking and listening skills. Homework will help you to prepare for the next lesson so that you have the confidence to join in the conversation. Looking forward to seeing you! B2-Kurse Wenn Sie in den meisten Standardsituationen selbständig auf Englisch zurechtkommen, Alltagsgespräche führen können und zum Beispiel einen einfachen Brief oder eine E-Mail schreiben können, festigen und erweitern Sie in diesen Kursen Ihren Wortschatz und Ihre Ausdrucksfähigkeit so, dass Sie sich angemessener und flüssiger ausdrücken, besser argumentieren und Ihre Gesprächspartner besser verstehen können. Sie trainieren, Fernsehsendungen, Radioberichte und Zeitungsartikel zu verstehen und darüber zu diskutieren. Je nach Fokus des Kurses wird auch das Schreiben von Briefen/E-Mails trainiert.
At this level of English, you can read with ease and understand virtually everything heard in spoken language. However, to avoid getting rusty, you may want to keep up your English conversation and expand your vocabulary further. Our Tuesday morning group offers a natural atmosphere in which you can meet friends and share ideas. Our topics of conversation are widespread, ranging from our everyday lives to what´s going on around the world and universe! Come and join in the fun!
At B1 level of English, you already know quite a lot! However, if you still feel nervous and need more conversation practice to put your thoughts into words this is the right course for you. In this course we will talk about interesting and useful topics, improve our pronunciation, confidence and fluency. Homework will help you to prepare for the next class where you can join in the fun, speaking in a natural and friendly atmosphere. Material will be provided by the teacher.